Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day Two: Coachella (part two)

have to wrap this up. things are starting to pile up on top of each other, esp since i went to the Great American Music Hall last night at the last minute to see Dark Star Orchestra (DSO). going tonight, too, so must move fast on this wrap up of coachella.

so, picking up where i left off, after kraftwerk...

akron/family: was looking forward to this. IT WAS LOUD. holy shit. lasted for a song and a half, then had to bail. couldn't really enjoy it (at first) cuz it was so frickin loud.

animal collective: caught this as we were heading to M.I.A. sounded great and knew we would walk past it again, after M.I.A. so was okay to keep wandering.

M.I.A.: was more entertained by the people climbing the walls of the tent than the music but whatevs.

animal collective: back thru, became more impressed and know i need to check them out for realz. "next time, next time"

akron/family: sounded much better cruising back towards mark ronson. even stopped for a sec. it was and my friends were def on a rampage at that point, not knowing where we wanted to be, not caring that we didn't know where we wanted to be until i remembered that i REALLY wanted to stop in the DO LAB and catch some of the GLITCH MOB. i love this pic. dunno if it is akron/family or animal collective but can't believe how this turned out

mark ronson: heard the last bit of this and was suuuuuper impressed. WOW. TONS of people on stage and they started going into a smiths cover song, "stop me uhoh stop me, stop me if you think that you've heard this song before..." nice one!

glitch mob: SIIIIIIICK. have to show this pic here:

portishead: maybe it was my state of mind, but i could not wait til this set of music was over. i liked them back in the day, but my fragile psyche could not handle the dark, haunting morbid flow even with the pretty voice that wandered thru the darkness. thank god it ended eventually. made it better by mingling with some suuuuuper cool peeps. JAMES AND LANDON AND CHRISTINA~ WHAT'S UP!!! you made my portishead set bearable.

prince: suffice it to say that i don't think i've ever seen a show like the one prince put on at coachella. he brought it. to the maxx. here's a vid i shot from vip. the vid part suxxx but the audio isn't bad. it was about as blurry as i was feeling by that point. no high expectations on this vid, please, but thought i'd include it here:

so, kids, that about wraps up Day Two (part two) of my coachella review. feel free to comment. i see you people from all over the world checking in and would love to hear from you. pretty wild! rock on brotha's and sista's...more greatness on Day Three without a doubt

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