Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Night 1: a very special birthday!

i actually took these. i'm entertained by them. i now love sepia. again or already. can't remember which.
um. to everyone who was a part of my bday celebration, WTTW (wow to the wow)!!! i have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. i was so spoiled yesterday. i am indeed grateful.
the music of the second set was somethin else. a friend grabbed me and dragged me into the pit where there was seriously magically a total spot for us to dance. it was bizarre. i was rocking like 4 people back from the rail. it sounded incredible

1 comment:

maureen elizabeth said...

Sepia is cool. It reminds me of grade school projects and staining paper with tea bags to get that old-timey look..ha ha! Have fun! Nice blog, btw.