Thursday, July 10, 2008

High Sierra 2008: Friday

Big Light: rallied bigtime to catch some of this set. Good for them for rallying, too!!! With a 10:45a slot, who knew so many people would be up groovin'. And with good reason. One of my two favorite new bands of the fest. Go see them, if you can (pictured here at Shady Grove stage, snapped by Kevin Runde).

The Weather Underground: good stuff. Caught part of this set and it was what I was thinking it was: REALLY GOOD.

For most of the rest of the afternoon, I was cackling with my girls, laughing harder than I have in years, to the point of tears, several times. I couldn't even drag myself out to music, we had our own little entertainment going. I missed some really good music (Akron/Family, SMMD), but what I gained in the giggles, was...well...worth it.

Mike Gordon: finally pulled myself together, and walked out to the mainstage. GREAT GREAT sound from Mike. Seriously. I was mega impressed. Go MIKE!!!

The Mother Hips: cruised over to the Hips stage, then headed back to camp where we could hear their set, so I was dancing and listening, and loving it, of course.

BLVD and MC SoulEye: this is my other new favorite "band"/artist of the fest. I was dancing so hard to this, super unexpectedly. It's like electronic hip hop that flows better than anything I've ever heard. Think Sound Tribe Sector Nine meets a hippie version of eminem but BETTER! Love love love them.

James Hunter: I could hear this from where I was mingling, and it sounded great. Def a great groove.

What happened after the official sets were done for the day was a set of music by High Sierra favorites, Surprise Me Mr. Davis, which is The Slip featuring Nathan Moore. This late night set at Camp Harry was to turn into the highlight of the festival (for me), with a very special influence taking over the whole camp. The music was, well, pretty much amazing, and the faces and mingling, and dancing and groovin' had a soundtrack that included a couple precious covers, like the Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun, and the Jackson Five's ABC, not to mention the regular epic grooves of SMMD and The Slip. DAMN!!! If I could rewind time, I would pause and go slow-mo thru that night over and over and over. EPIC!!!

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