Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Edge

tonight, a friend rang me twenty minutes before the next showing of the IMAX movie U2 3D. i'd been wanting to check it out, was totally mellow at home, and thought, WHY NOT?

so we got our 3D glasses and in we went to the theater. i don't think i'd seen an IMAX movie since...?high school? when IMAX theaters first came out. seriously. so i was pretty excited. and WOW.

i'd seen U2 in real life one single time (2 1/2 years ago or so). i was actually kinda disappointed with the show. i dunno. just seemed like a lot of smoke in mirrors or something. i had heard that i def did not catch an "ON" night, so i let it slide. seemed like lots of effort to catch their shows, so i just kinda didn't really get into it (whew, one less band i have to schedule around~ ha!).

but this movie~ holy shit!!! the one thing more than anything i came away from it with is how utterly and incredibly impressive The Edge is. his poise was so attractive and his sound was whole and complete.

so yeah, if you are on the fence about seeing this movie, U2 3D, or needed someone to directly tell ya to peep it, do it!!!

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