Thursday, March 13, 2008

Out of Touch

so, a couple days ago, i left the power cord to my computer at a friends house out of town (insert warm hummus>risotto>roasted vegetables!) when i realized the power cord sitch, i seriously went into panic mode. why? because i did not realize how completely dominated my life is by my computer. WOW! like, majorly dominated.

i laugh at the irony, as i type this all on said computer, letting you all know about my realization.

last night, i did not have access to my 'puter. AND I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW LIBERATING IT WAS!!! or yes, i can tell you. i just did. no, i didn't. but i am about to: IT WAS SO LIBERATING!!!

you see, i don't have a TV, but i watch some stuff on internet TV. its only really been in the last 6 months or so that i have found free internet TV sites. pretty crazy.

anyways, i found myself sorting thru useless piles of paper that collect, even reading a book that i like to reference, even did some yoga!!! WOW!

and honest, being single solo, living alone, what i discovered is that i am constantly fucking around with my computer. CONSTANTLY. now, i try to imagine if something like the iPhone would be good for someone like me, cuz then i wouldn't necessarily have to lug my whole computer around. truth is, i'm not wild about the idea of jumping into ATT's reality, so i'll just hold out for verizon before entering my own personal iPhone drama.

okay. now, maybe all of this does or doesn't have anything to do with hall and oates. my very first concert EVER was hall and oates at blossom music center in cuyahoga falls, ohio (the H20 tour). we sat on the lawn and brought KFC, sat on a blanket...that's all i remember. i always love that venue, nestled in the trees...i also saw ShaNaNa there. what? remember bowser? saw some others there, as well. had to throw the ShaNaNa into my Brag, i mean, Blog.

so, i was in the grocery store tonight, and they were playing hall and oats. and i was singing along, and this song got stuck in my head: "you're out of touch, i'm out of time". so being the good girl dominated by my computer of which i now have the power cord to, i googled it. found that youtube vid, and decided to use it to tell my 2008 tale of mass computer consumption by me, of which i took the night off of last night. tonight, as you can see, not so much a night off. making up for lost time, surely.

anyways, i was kinda crackin up at the vid, so enjoy and this is my public service announcement: step away from your computer screen!!!!! and i'll surely do the same. gonna institute a one night at home without computer night a week. bye!

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