Saturday, March 15, 2008

new paradigm

what strikes me the most about these "millenials", of which i am not one of, but rather sorta kinda on the cusp of, is that most of these women, well, rewind 20-30 years ago, and at their age, they'd be popping out babies, being wives.

its 2008. we all know that 40 is the new 30, women are having babies older and older...

so, its not really that these kids are telling us something new. its not really a newsflash that women can multi-task, because women have been multi-tasking forever. cooking cleaning working working out sleeping (maybe). its just that the variety of things which are being juggled is different.

i dunno.

since i am on the cusp, i think i am most curious or caught in between the realities of both situations. maybe not really "caught" but more like, curious.

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